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Did you know...?

15% of the UK's population is covered by the Disability Discrimination Act

Source: Employers forum on disability

Did you know...?

only 3% of senior managers are of a minority ethnic origin.

Source:Daily Telegraph article "Business needs a diverse workforce" 9/7/2002

left quoteKnowledge – that is education in its true sense – is our best protection against unreasoning prejudice and panic-making fear, whether engendered by special interest, liberal minorities, or panic-stricken leaders  right quote
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Our Consultants
Di Airey | Judith Wardell | Paula McColl | Karen Anderson
Deb Durant | Donna Dalrymple | Fiona Marshall
| Munwar Hussain | Neil Henery | Nicolette Glashan | Sam Pringle

Paula McColl – Associate Consultant Paula McColl
Paula is a knowledgeable and experienced Human Resources professional who now pursues a freelance career following a strong foundation of 14 years in HR roles within the Financial Services sector.

Paula has spent the majority of her career to date at the Prudential, where she undertook a variety of HR roles including HR Operations Manager within its highly successful General Insurance business prior to its sale to Churchill and then the Royal Bank of Scotland. Within Prudential, Paula opted to specialise in Employee Relations, a position that she thoroughly enjoyed due to the range of challenges it presented. The role allowed Paula to broaden her expertise in policy development and consolidate her experience of change management as well as flexibly giving advice and guidance on complex people issues. Paula has strong interpersonal skills, developed from working with management and employees at all levels of the organisation. She is driven by a genuine respect for people’s views and always looks to get the best out of a situation for all parties concerned.

Paula is a trained harassment investigator and has carried out formal investigations handling complex cases with optimum tact and diplomacy. She is an excellent facilitator, establishing the facts and drawing out key issues which are then detailed in appropriate reports for management. Paula has also counselled and advised managers and employees in harassment matters on a formal and informal basis to help them decide on their preferred course of action in their particular set of circumstances.

Paula has a passion for employee relations and she keeps up to date with both legal developments and HR trends by active involvement with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Paula’s pursuit of a freelance HR career enables her to effectively balance work and home life. In addition to enjoying family life, Paula’s interests include keeping up with a wide network of friends. She is also a keen cook with a passion for healthy eating.

Contact Paula at Paula@diversity-dynamics.co.uk

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left quoteTo be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life. right quote
Robert Louis Stevenson

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Recruitment and Diversity Skills workshop

“The interview practice was powerful. Fictitious scenarios and diverse candidates were created to take you out of your comfort zone and insure intensive learning” ”

Quote from participant, 2005

diversity exchange

Grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change; the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  
Reinhold Niebuhr