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Did you know...?

15% of the UK's population is covered by the Disability Discrimination Act

Source: Employers forum on disability

Did you know...?

only 3% of senior managers are of a minority ethnic origin.

Source:Daily Telegraph article "Business needs a diverse workforce" 9/7/2002

left quoteKnowledge – that is education in its true sense – is our best protection against unreasoning prejudice and panic-making fear, whether engendered by special interest, liberal minorities, or panic-stricken leaders  right quote
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Our Consultants
Di Airey | Judith Wardell | Paula McColl | Karen Anderson
Deb Durant | Donna Dalrymple | Fiona Marshall
| Munwar Hussain | Neil Henery | Nicolette Glashan | Sam Pringle

Donna DalrympleDonna Dalrymple – Associate Consultant
Donna is a human resources specialist with over 15 year’s experience in a variety of HR roles within the National Health Service. She is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and for several years has undertaken strategic management, policy development and project management roles for both primary care trusts and special health authorities.

Within the NHS, Donna held operational roles in large and complex health organisations, such as the King’s College Hospital, the Royal London Hospital and St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London; and for eight years led personnel and recruitment teams within Camden Primary Care Trust. In 2003, Donna set up and subsequently managed the HR function for the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) including developing a suite of organisational policies and procedures, together with a programme of communication, training and support for staff and managers. Donna is current Director of HR for Waltham Forest College of Further Education.

Donna has a keen interest and expertise in HR policy development. She is particularly versed in developing and implementing family friendly and work-life balance policies and practices, and in supporting the development of race equality schemes and action plans. Donna also created and introduced a harassment advisors programme for a three NHS organisations in London. In addition, she was instrumental in the creation of a childcare strategy for NHS organisations in North London and was successful in obtaining funding and recruiting a number of childcare co-ordinators to work with health organisations to address their staff’s childcare needs. Her training design and delivery experience includes recruitment, disciplinary handling, managing organisational change, and equality and diversity.

Donna works hard to maintain her own work-life balance. She recently completed a BSc in Management at the University of the West Indies and has continued business interests in Barbados including running a small hotel in partnership with other family members.

In her spare time Donna is a keen cook and likes to try out new Caribbean recipes.

left quoteTo be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life. right quote
Robert Louis Stevenson

diversity information image

Recruitment and Diversity Skills workshop

“The interview practice was powerful. Fictitious scenarios and diverse candidates were created to take you out of your comfort zone and insure intensive learning” ”

Quote from participant, 2005

diversity exchange

Grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change; the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  
Reinhold Niebuhr