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Did you know...?

15% of the UK's population is covered by the Disability Discrimination Act

Source: Employers forum on disability

Did you know...?

only 3% of senior managers are of a minority ethnic origin.

Source:Daily Telegraph article "Business needs a diverse workforce" 9/7/2002

left quoteKnowledge – that is education in its true sense – is our best protection against unreasoning prejudice and panic-making fear, whether engendered by special interest, liberal minorities, or panic-stricken leaders  right quote
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Our Consultants
Di Airey | Judith Wardell | Paula McColl | Karen Anderson
Deb Durant | Donna Dalrymple | Fiona Marshall
| Munwar Hussain | Neil Henery | Nicolette Glashan | Sam Pringle

Fiona MarshallFiona Marshall - Associate Consultant
Fiona is an independent consultant specialising in corporate social responsibility (CSR); organisational change; and leadership development. With a Business Studies degree and over 20 years’ experience including heading up management training and development for Marks & Spencer in Scotland, Fiona now runs her own consultancy and has achieved impressive results for a broad client base including the Scottish Rugby Union, Scottish Business in the Community, Royal Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh Council and the Scottish Executive.

Fiona is particularly knowledgeable in the strategic arena of CSR and has worked with both agencies and employers to develop inclusive programmes including providing work placements for individuals who would traditionally may find it difficult to join or return to a working environment e.g. disabled people, homeless people, people with addictions, ex-offenders and parents returning to work after bringing up their families.

In her consultancy practice, Fiona is known and respected by those who have worked with her as a highly motivating, passionate and successful developer of people and her strong interpersonal skills, together with her direct approach ensure she is equally impactful whether working with individuals, teams or at an organisational level. As a qualified practitioner of both “Firo B” and “Profile Match” psychometric testing, Fiona is well equipped with the skills and tools to make a real difference.

When not working, Fiona loves to travel - particularly in Italy - doing logic puzzles, and reading non-fiction.

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left quoteTo be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life. right quote
Robert Louis Stevenson

diversity information image

Recruitment and Diversity Skills workshop

“The interview practice was powerful. Fictitious scenarios and diverse candidates were created to take you out of your comfort zone and insure intensive learning” ”

Quote from participant, 2005

diversity exchange

Grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change; the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  
Reinhold Niebuhr