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left quoteIf we are to receive a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we must recognise the whole gamut of human potentialities, and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place. right quote
Margaret Mead

Your Diversity Health Check 
If you are wondering whether you need to improve your focus on diversity then consider the following questions. If you cannot answer an honest YES to every question then please get in touch and we will help you to achieve full marks.

bullet  Does everyone in your organisation understand the difference between equal opportunities and valuing diversity?

bullet  Do employees know the difference between direct and indirect discrimination?

bullet  Is everyone aware of their own beliefs and possible prejudices and where they originate from?

bullet  Do they know how to stop their beliefs translating into discriminatory practice?

bullet  Does everyone in the organisation understand their responsibilities to ensure effective management of diversity?

bullet  Are your HR policies ‘diversity proofed’ to eliminate any bias or assumptions?

bullet  Does the makeup of your workforce represent the communities in which you are located as a business?

bullet  Do you attract a diverse range of applicants when you advertise jobs?

bullet  Do you periodically review your job descriptions and person specifications and challenge what’s really essential or desirable?

bullet  Are you sure you are not including recruitment criteria which could be indirectly discriminating against certain groups of people?

bullet  Is your workplace accessible and accommodating to employees with diverse needs including disabilities?

bullet  Do employees say that they can be themselves at work without fear of being negatively judged by others?

bullet  Can employees effectively balance their work with home commitments by working flexible hours?

bullet  Are there limited or no complaints made about inappropriate behaviour, bullying or harassment?

bullet  Are any complaints dealt with fair and equitable using established procedures?

bullet  Do staff and managers understand that incidents outside the immediate workplace could still constitute discrimination or harassment (extension of the workplace principle)?

bullet  Do managers feel comfortable in managing the different requirements of diverse groups?

bullet  Do managers tackle performance or attendance problems without fear of reprisal because the staff member happens to be from a minority group?

bullet  Are you sure that managers are up to date with the 20 plus pieces of legislation that relate to equality and diversity?

bullet  Do you listen to the views of a diversity of individuals to support the development of policies, products and services?

bullet  Is your marketing enabling you to access a broad customer base?

bullet  Do you consider how what you do as an organisation impacts on different groups and communities?

left quoteAt bottom every person knows well enough that they are a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvellously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as they are, ever be put together a second
time. right quote

Friedrich Nietzsche

diversity time image

Conflict Management Skills workshop

“The facilitator was great and kept the subject alive and debatable at all times”

Quote from participant, 2006

diversity reflection image