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Did you know...?

15% of the UK's population is covered by the Disability Discrimination Act

Source: Employers forum on disability

Did you know...?

only 3% of senior managers are of a minority ethnic origin.

Source:Daily Telegraph article "Business needs a diverse workforce" 9/7/2002

left quoteKnowledge – that is education in its true sense – is our best protection against unreasoning prejudice and panic-making fear, whether engendered by special interest, liberal minorities, or panic-stricken leaders  right quote
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Our Consultants
Di Airey | Judith Wardell | Paula McColl | Karen Anderson
Deb Durant | Donna Dalrymple | Fiona Marshall
| Munwar Hussain | Neil Henery | Nicolette Glashan | Sam Pringle

Neil Henery – Associate Consultant

Neil is an independent consultant interested in the links between learning, leadership and organisational development. His commitment to equality and diversity is rooted in personal experience working alongside people experiencing discrimination. As a qualified social worker he worked with young homeless men, families in poverty, offenders and people experiencing illness and disability.

He became interested in spiritual diversity when working with people dying of cancer. He went on to conduct extensive research aimed at improving social workers and nurses capacity to respond to patients’ spiritual needs. This led to a PHD and to publication in leading academic journals.

Neil is a thoughtful, considered and responsive facilitator who likes to start with where the client is at.

He aims to help organisations maximise the opportunities for everyone to make a positive contribution. As an independent consultant Neil designed and delivered equality and diversity induction training and provided specialist learning opportunities on lesbian, bisexual and gay issues for Barnardo’s Scotland. He led a team to develop and deliver anti racist training for employees of Dundee City Council.  This included forging links between the Council and local community groups. Neil’s most recent work on equality and diversity has focussed on personality, attitudes and values as well as social categories such as gender, race and sexuality. He is a trained and experienced facilitator in the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI). This profiling tool explores people’s preferences in relation to the four quadrants of the brain. It has proved an immediate and engaging way to explore individual difference and organisational culture.

Neil is an affiliate member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. He is currently studying for his MBA with the Open University and recently completed a module on creativity, innovation and change in organisations. He holds a range of advanced professional qualifications in social work.

Neil is currently watching DVD’s of The Wire – lots of stuff on learning, leadership and organisational development here! He also enjoys going to see Hibernian play football with his son. He particularly enjoys spending time with family and friends.

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left quoteTo be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life. right quote
Robert Louis Stevenson

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Recruitment and Diversity Skills workshop

“The interview practice was powerful. Fictitious scenarios and diverse candidates were created to take you out of your comfort zone and insure intensive learning” ”

Quote from participant, 2005

diversity exchange

Grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change; the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  
Reinhold Niebuhr