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left imageDiversity in the world is a basic characteristic of human society, and also the key condition for a lively and dynamic world as we see today.  right image
Jinato Hu

Your Resources 
In this section we invite you to read our latest articles, newsletters and publications. We also include links to other websites where you can find further information on legislation and national or government campaigns relating to diversity.

Watch out for our article on Diversity Implications in Coaching….coming soon.

Useful websites

The Equality and Human Rights Commission was launched in October 2007 and champions equality and human rights for all.

Equality commission for Northern Ireland

Working towards equality and justice for lesbians, gay men and bi-sexuals.

The Age Positive campaign promotes the benefits of employing a mixed-age workforce that includes older and younger people.

The Office of National Statistics site – a useful source of data on all aspects of the UK population.

diversity language image

Diversity and Dignity at Work workshop

“The trainer had a very clear and engaging style. Good at putting people at ease when tackling a difficult subject. ”

Quote from participant, 2013
